Thanks to Sony Pictures, the North Melbourne Football Club has 20 double passes to see the new action thriller The Book of Eli starring Denzel Washington.

Winning is simple - all you have to do is tell us what you've done to show your love for the Kangaroos.

You might have been a member for 50 years, travelled interstate every week to follow the team or made a shrine to North Melbourne in your bedroom.

Fill in the form below with your full name and contact details and you'll be in the running.

Click here to check out a trailer for The Book of Eli

THE BOOK OF ELI (April 15)
Cast: Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Mila Kunis
Genre: Action / Thriller
Dir: The Hughes Brothers

In the not-too-distant future, some 30 years after the final war, a solitary man walks across the wasteland that was once America. There is no civilization here, no law. The roads belong to gangs that would murder a man for his shoes, an ounce of water…or for nothing at all. But they’re no match for this traveler. A warrior not by choice but necessity, Eli (Denzel Washington) seeks only peace but, if challenged, will cut his attackers down before they realize their fatal mistake. It’s not his life he guards so fiercely but his hope for the future; a hope he has carried and protected for 30 years and is determined to realize. Driven by this commitment and guided by his belief in something greater than himself, Eli does what he must to survive—and continue. Only At The Movies! April 15
