A day after being elevated to legend status on AFL Hall of Fame night, Barry Cable was at Aegis Park with his family to take a tour of the facilities.

After being congratulated by some players including Hamish McIntosh, Ben Cunnington and Levi Greenwood, interim CEO Cam Vale and chief of football Donald McDonald, Cable spoke to kangaroos.com.au.

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"I go back to 1970 when it was nothing like this. This is what I envisaged 40-years ago; that a place like this should be of this quality. Here we are 40-years later and it is, so it's fantastic."

Cable says he was pleasantly surprised when he received notification from the AFL about his elevation a fortnight ago.

"To know that the game has been played for 100-years and you're in the top 24 legends, it's very humbling.

"To appreciate the players that have played in all that length of time and have made the game what it is well before me and others, it was just great."

Cable is an avid fan of the game and is still North Melbourne through and through.

"We (North Melbourne) go through the good times and we go through the hard times. I was fortunate I was here through the good times and we're having a bit of a downer at the moment. But I'm sure the team and the club will pick themselves up and the supporters will stick with us.

"That's the most important thing because if they do that then it gives the boys the encouragement to go on and do well - and they will do that."