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North chairman James Brayshaw strongly defended the actions of midfielder Jack Ziebell which resulted in the young Roo being rubbed out at the AFL tribunal on Tuesday night.

Ziebell copped a one month ban after hitting Carlton's Aaron Joseph high in the contest, but Brayshaw has said on TripleM's Rush Hour program with Billy Brownless the ruling was incorrect.

"We would argue, we argued last night and would continue to argue that he (Ziebell) didn't make a mistake, he tried to access the ball and there was an accident, you know, there was a collision during the course of the game that was a result of that, but he's got to be allowed to go for the footy...and I think it was an incorrect decision to find him guilty."

Brayshaw acknowledged the case has caused widespread confusion, angst and disappointment within the football community.

"If you're playing football, surely you should be encouraged to go for the ball when it's in your area and not be penalized when you do, so that's where the ground swell comes from.

"It worries me when the tribunal are trying to steer footballers away from attacking the ball, that concerns me enormously so I hope this isn't the trend that we continue to see wandering through footy."

Ziebell now carries a massive risk each time he steps onto the field due to a poor record.

"The issue from the club and Jack's point of view is that he now carries with him a 50 per cent loading and that is no good...he's a very committed, hard at the footy player so he's going to draw some of this sort of scrutiny from time to time. You don't want people Bill, who smash in after the footy, changing the way they play," Brayshaw said.

During the heated discussion, Brayshaw detailed the reasons why his club opted not to appeal the four week ban, saying its legal representative and current board member Will Houghton QC advised against it.

"As I understand it, there's no point. It's one of those ones where nothing further can be brought to the case.

"We had discussions with him this morning and it was his opinion that there was nowhere that the case could go, so therefore it was a waste of time to appeal."

Brayshaw was reluctant to comment on claims North was angry at Carlton for the amount of detail submitted in Joseph's medical report.

"We are going to speak to, or have spoken to and will speak to people we are disappointed with in that fashion privately."

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