It’s been one of the most hotly debated cases in years, and Jack Ziebell’s suspension has prompted discussion far and wide in the footballing world.

Here is a selection of the opinions on the four-week ban:

Wayne Schwass - former NMFC player and commentator (@WayneSchwass)
Tribunal satisfied @jackziebell was contesting the ball, the umpire on the night said 'he was contesting the ball' yet he STILL gets 4. How?

Drew Petrie - NMFC vice-captain (@drewpetrie20)
Advice for @jackziebell Stop being so courageous and playing footy hard the way it's meant to be played. Please turn into a softy!

James Kelly - Geelong player (@JamesPopsKelly)

I was going to tweet how Zebel (Ziebell) getting 4 weeks was a mare of a decision but decided not to so I don't get in trouble

Kevin Bartlett - Football commentator, former player (@KevinBartlett29)
Ziebell - deserved 3 weeks. Should not have challenged. #priorloading

Jonathan Brown - Brisbane Lions captain (SEN Radio)

"It probably justified a free kick, but he was jumping in the air to contest for the ball. As it was he got there a fraction late. I think a free kick would have been enough.”

Brad Green - Melbourne player (Press conference)

"Any contact to the head is certainly going to be looked at, but yeah, he is stiff I think, that is all I can say, he is stiff to get four weeks for that.”

Cam Mooney - Former Geelong/North player (@cam_mooney)
We need to start teaching our kids when the ball is there to be won stop first make sure you don't hurt anyone than try and get it #afljoke.

Rohan Connolly - The Age Journalist (@rohan_connolly)
Still shaking my head over Ziebell decision. Pursuing the ball is the most fundamental object of the game, this call brings it into question

Martin Blake - The Age Journalist (@martinj_blake)
With Ziebell, the MRP and the trib have ruled: go at the footy hard, just don't jump and smash heads. Strip emotion, that's where he's at.

Damian Barrett - Journalist (@barrettdamian)
What a system. Ziebell now misses one more week than Wellingham, and the same weeks as Judd. Working just beautifully

Nick Bowen - AFL Media (@AFL_Nick)
Surprised by AFL Tribunal's decision on Jack Ziebell. Thought fact he got to the ball 1st was proof enough he'd been contesting ball fairly

Julian De Stoop - Fox Sports Reporter (@JDESTOOP80)

Jack Ziebell very unlucky to get four weeks. I think it's another case of the outcome being more significant than the action.

Daniel Harford - Football commentator, former player (@HarfSerious)
Still coming to grips with the Ziebell decision last night. Cant believe the game has come to this. #whendidattackingtheballbecomebad ? #sad

Luke Darcy - Football commentator, former player (Triple M)
"I saw yesterday that he'd got three, now he's (Ziebell) got the extra one for trying to contest it, that is right out of whack."

Robert Shaw - Football commentator, former player/coach (@shawry_analyst)
'the tribunal have agreed that Ziebell was contesting the ball'. Every player must now have alternative course of action.Which is? #afl