Having been drafted as a rookie in 2011, Max Warren has somewhat slipped under the radar during time at Aegis Park. But in his second year in the system, the 20-year old is stepping it up.

Development coach Josh Drummond recently labelled Warren one of the stand-outs of the pre-season, and his progress was illustrated by being handed the responsibility of leading North Ballarat's back-line last weekend.

While Warren admits there's still a long way to go, he's pleased his hard work hasn't gone unnoticed.

"When they threw that (the leadership role) on me I was rapt," Warren told NMFC.com.au.

"Going through juniors I was always considered a leader so it's fun to get back into that sort of role."

It's a trait he's hopeful will take his own game to the next level.

"When you're leading other people, they look to you to do the right things all the time. It's a subtle role but it definitely helps me.

"A lot of the role is around placing the spare man where necessary, barking orders and making sure the whole defensive group is in the right place. I really want to embrace this opportunity."

Drummond, who works closely with the Roosters says Warren's eager approach to a new challenge was pleasing.

"His communication and direction was good (during the game) which was a big step forward for him."

Given Warren arrived at the club in December of 2011, he's effectively made it through his first full pre-season this year.

The defender believes he now has has a better knowledge of his limitations and the areas he needs to improve.

"I know what to work on and where to find that extra yard," Warren added.

"With the extra year at North Melbourne the coaches have more things to critique me on and it's easier for them because we both know my weaknesses.

"Endurance has been one of the main things; I've been doing extra sessions with Jona Segal (North's nutrition and conditioning coach) because that's where I've been lacking.

"It's also been skill-work and improving my kicking in particular."

Warren believes his foot skills have improved greatly since arriving at Aegis Park, and his formula is simple, but effective.

"Technique and repetition are the main things I've been doing to get better. Whenever you want to practice a skill, repetition helps a lot."

Decision making is another area the youngster is looking to work on, having received some honest feedback from coach Brad Scott.

"Brad always speaks about being quick but not rushed and last year I think I was rushing myself too much. So this year I'm taking a little more time and weighing up my options a bit more."

With that in mind, Drummond's glowing assessment from a recent practice match is a great reflection of Warren's development.

"When he gets it in his hands it feels like something's going to happen. He really straightens us up out of defence and makes some terrific decisions."

With so much improvement over the course of one summer, it can be reasonable to wonder what it all boils down to. Warren sums it up succinctly.

"The extra year gives you a lot more confidence in your game."