While Spud served it up to Levi, Aaron Black was serving it up to Boomer in the Virgin Lounge. Blacky lost a goal kicking competition at training before we flew over to Brisbane and his punishment was that he had to prepare and serve Boomer a meal at the buffet. Boomer must have had too much to eat because he was seen throwing food around in the lift at the hotel a few hours later.
Boomer is obviously loving Blacky at the moment, but not as much as coach’s pet Jamie Macmillan is loving Brad Scott. We found one of the most peculiar things in the locker room this week…the coach’s towel hanging on JMac’s locker door. But JMac denied any knowledge of it when contacted by this columnist.
“I saw it on Sam Wright’s locker first…someone must have moved it to mine and stitched me up,” he said.
At least JMac, Wrighty and maybe Brad are using the locker room, unlike one of our physiotherapists Shane O’Sullivan. He was caught getting changed on Arden Street with the most yuck looking striped underpants on during the morning peak hour. He has no shame given the club was just across the road about 20 metres away.
We should probably give him a locker if he’s going to keep getting naked in public…but we need to tell him he can’t put his name on it otherwise former player Daniel Pratt will really crack it. We just noticed that they forgot to put Pratty’s name on locker number 30. You get your name on your locker if you’ve played 100 games or more, played in a premiership or won a Syd Barker (like me…I’ve won three). Pratty played 116 games for North and got nothing…we might have to look into that. Sorry Pratty.
Getting some recognition is important. When we arrived at the hotel over here, the staff at the Pullman presented Max Warren with a pair of cufflinks to celebrate his debut. They were inscribed with number 44 and the date of tomorrow’s match. It’s one of the nicest things and so thoughtful of them. We were all extremely impressed.
He was so happy with the gift, he went out dancing on the main street with a complete stranger Brazilian-style.
The truth is, a few of the boys dared him to do it and said they’d give him $200.
That kind of money could come in handy in Brisbane, especially given former resident/Brisbane Lion and now North assistant coach Josh Drummond decided to start selling raffle tickets here. The club has a special player and staff raffle to win a Mazda 3. Everyone has 5 tickets to sell and there’s only 460 in total. They cost $100 each and Drummo brought them with him to hit up all his old friends who still live here. I’m sure they’ll be rapt to see him when they find out why he wants to catch up with them. I think he’s also raising money to buy a new house. Apparently he’s been eyeing off the same place as Ryan Bastinac in Maribrynong. Basty just signed a new contract though and is cashed up and reckons Drummo is no threat to his potential purchase. Basty doesn’t even want to live in the joint, instead he’s planning on renting it out to his girlfriends and her mates.
He’s playing his cards close to his chest though just in case Drummo finds some more coin and trumps him at the auction.
Both will be doing their due diligence on the property…if they need help they can ask Nick Dal Santo for advice. He’s a regular reader of the Financial Review, if you believe his Instagram feed. He posted this pic last week:
I don’t believe it because just days later, I saw him reading Dolly while getting a massage.
Nothing stays a secret around here, Dal is discovering that…slowly.
Ben Brown tried to keep his snoring a secret, but it got out. He was supposed to be rooming with Liam Anthony but someone tipped LA off and he changed rooms as soon as we arrived.
The only one happy about Ben ‘Diggity’ Brown’s snoring habit is Goldy…now he’s not the only one.