RICHMOND midfielder Reece Conca has accepted a three-match suspension for his off the ball bump on North Melbourne's Leigh Adams at Etihad Stadium on Friday night.  

Conca will be able to play in round one of the home and away season and chose not to risk extending the ban an extra week.

The Match Review Panel assessed the incident as reckless conduct, high impact and high contact. But it ruled the midfielder had intended to bump or block his opponent, not make high contact, and said his intent was reckless, not intentional, under revised guidelines for striking offences this season.

Conca collided with Adams about 40m off the ball in the NAB Cup opener. The Kangaroos said Adams pulled up well, and could have played the second game on the night.

The panel also investigated why Conca left the field under the blood rule in the first half against the Kangaroos, but found no reportable offence had occurred.