The North Melbourne Tasmanian Kangaroos will run out for their Round 2 clash against Greater Western Sydney this weekend, wearing a very special guernsey.
The new away strip feature the names nominated by our generous donors who individually contributed $250 or more to the 24-hour Arden St redevelopment campaign.
The commemorative guernseys will also be worn in Rounds 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Phase one of the re-development is now complete, with players enjoying a new locker room, sauna, heat room and lounge.
Coaches boxes, a media tower and lighting are all set to be completed by May, allowing games to once again be played on the Arden St oval.
The Arden: Forever Home of the Shinboner campaign was highly successful thanks to the support and generosity of our members and supporters.
Names featured on jumper:
Aaron Dunton, Aaron Kelly, Adam Cortes, Adrian Brown, Advance Management, AK Bryant, Alanna Bailey, Alastair Dick, Albert Bonello, Alex Ishchenko, Alexandra Fairchild, Allan Slavel, Ally Bristow, Amanda Shepherd, Andrew Barnes, Andrew Browne, Andrew Furlong, Andrew Mason, Andrew Ross, Andrew Tate, Andy Turner, Angela Kelly, Ann Sprague, Anna Donne, Anne Stafford, Anthony Bongiovanni, Anthony Change, Anthony Griffiths, Anthony Honeyman, Archer Camilleri, Archie Risely, Archie Wilson, Arden Bridson, Arlia Mitchell, Ashlee Linton, Ashleigh O'Shea, Ashley Barnes, Audrey Pante, Aya Carter, Barry Plant, Ben Hedditch, Ben Hill, Ben McInneny, Benjamin Thorogood, Bernie Lyons, Bev Jennings, Bev Riddington, Beverleigh Preece, Bianca Scotney , Bill Henderson, Bill O'Kane, Bob Hearn, Bourke Family, Brenda Campbell, Brendan Borg, Brendan Farrugia, Brendan Gallagher, Brent Campbell, Brent Dickinson, Brett Trigger, Bridget Noonan, Bruce Calder, Bruce Gale, Cade Brown, Calleja Transport, Callum Fairnie, Campitelli Consultancy, Caracas, Carmelo Bazzano, Casey Whelan, Celeste Wineberg, Chantal Ryan, Charles Bongiovanni, Charley Oke, Charlie Wilson, Chase Johnson, Che Bishop, Chigs, Chris Calvert, Chris Chan, Chris Fladgate, Chris Harvey, Chris Peloso, Chris Simmonds, Christian Corkin, Christine Broberg, Ciela Gandolfo Dawson, Claire Pante, Clint Crout, Cody Bridson, Cody Whelan, Complete Hire Equipment, Corey Kerrison, Cory Connor, Craig Bennett, Crump Family, Dale Marriott, Damian Basa, Damian Roberts, Dan Nicholson, Daniel Barber, Daniel Glowacki, Daniel Harrdine, Daniel Levin, Daniel Ryan, Daniel Todd, Danny Curran, Darren Abela, Darren Brock, Darren Moon & Family, Darren Steele, Dave King, David Cater, David Chigwidden, David Nowlan, David Sanders, David Thompson, Dazza Leverton, De Bondt Family, Dean De-Silvam, Deb Sherwood, Deborah Gough, Deborah Rossi, Debra Rowe, Dee Riddington, Deena Moroney, Don Humphries, Donna Nuttall, Dragan Dodic, Drewe Cantwell, Dusan Dodic, E, T & G Costello, Ed Vickers-Willis, Edwin Keecha, Elizabeth Williams, Emily Bartlett, Emily Buysen, Emma Borin, Emma Thomas, Emmett Gale, Eugene Arocca, Evie Linton, F45 Gladstone Park, Father Gerard Dowling, Fiona Sharp, Francis E Lowrie, Francis Trainor, Frank Moore Advertising, Frankie Condello & Family, Gab Chisholm, Garry Bourke, Garry Lloyd, Gary Marriott Gavan Wignall, Gem Electrical, Gen Sexton, Gengiz Ozdemir, Geoffrey Annand, Glenda Moon, Gladys Thompson, Gollant Family, Graham Williams, Grant Robertson, Greg Doherty, Greg Dunstan, Greg Jacobs, Gudrun Wilkinson, Hadley McInneny, Hamish Andrews, Hamish Crump, Harrison Bould, Harrison Matthews, Hayley Mann, Hazel D'Arcy, HB Arch, Heath Anderson, Heidelberg Business Solutions, Highlander Steel, Ian Arnold, Ian Fletcher, Indi McLeod, Irene Baybutt, Irene Kennedy-Nunn, Isabel Blair, Isabel Dilena, Jade Shanahan, Jack Pither, Jacqueline Sexton, James De-Silva, James Graham, Jamie Imms, Jamie Macmillan, Jan Cantwell, Jan Morrison, Jarod Maughan, Jason Ball, Jason Blackman, Jason Risely, Jason Sourasis, Jeff Simmelman, Jennifer Mulvogue, Jennifer Petropoulos, Jenny Bourke,Jeremy Knight, Jeremy Reichelt, Jeremy Williams, Jesse McInneny, Jimmy Hurlston, Jo Rantfl, Joel Montgomery, John Connellan , John Kottakis, John Lister, John O'Reilly, John Pasqualotto, John Quinlan, John Raleigh, John Roodenburg, John Turnbull, John Wilson, Jonathon Drane, Jonathon McClure, Josh Linton, Joss Johnson, Julian Smith, Julie-Anne Nott, Kal Edwards, Kane Dawson, Karen O'Shea, Kate Montgomery, Kate Nolan, Katharine Kenton, Katherine Turner, Katrina Kernick, Kearney Family, Ken Hannon, Kristian Ostle, Laura Edmonds, Laura Kane, Leanne Barns, Lee Buchholtz, Len Lavars, Leo Momesso, Lethborg Family, Liam Crawley, Lillian Jones, Lily Faith Barrett, Lincoln Will, Louis Barton, Louise Mayo, Louise Morris, Lucia Lynch, Lucretia Burton, Lucy Stokes, Lucy Wilco Jazz, Luke Bould, Luke Kenton, Luke Picco, M.A.P Services, Madigan Family, Madison Rowe, Majak Daw, Manny Borg, Marianne Morgan, Mario Vitangelo, Mark Cox, Mark Dawson, Mark Kerrison, Mark Quinn, Mark Sawicki, Mark Tipper, Marley Harris, Marnie Cohen, Martin Bourke, Martin Carland, Mary Anne Dooley, Mary Connell, Mathew Trost, Matt Caddy, Matt Camilleri, Matt Rantfl, Matt Shadbolt, Matthew Dimattina, Matthew Fawaz, Matthew Oldham, Matthew Wilson, Maureen Linton, Max Havard, MCB & J Rogers, McLeod Family, Meg Buckley, Meg Lauritz, Melbourne Podiatrists & Orthotics, Mia Bartlett, Mia Benson, Michael Aicher, Michael Clemenger, Michael Lin, Michael Scalzo, Michael Tobin, Millicent Peterson, MKG, Molly Pendrey, Nada Zakaria , Nathan Barns, Nectarios Filakis, Neil Rankin, Nellie Wineberg, Nick Caples, Nick Haslam, Nicole Buckley, NMFC Past Players, Noel Crump, O'Connor Family, Olly Linton, Omar Youssef, Owen Johnson, Ozzie Richards, Paige Harrington, Pat Roach, Paul Abergo, Paul Azzopardi, Paul Connell, Paul Dakin, Paul Jarvis, Paul Menotti, Paul Mulgrew, Penberthy Family, Penny Burke, Peter Chisholm, Peter Cordova, Peter Nash, Peter O'Dea, Peter Wood, Peter Yates, Petrie Family, Phoenix Constructions, Planning Partners, Prestige Property Perth, Qanstruct, Ray Dooley, Reale Creative, Rebecca Hickmott, Rebecca McGrath, Reece Baar, Renae AJ, Rexhep Demiri, Richard Hansen, Richard Hogg, Richard Thornton, Rob Burton, Rob Marcolina, Rob Pavlovic, Rob Rutter, Rob Threlfall, Rob Woodburn, Robertson Family, Robinson Family, Robyn Moran, Robyn Wignall, Rod Dawson, Rodney Piltz, Ron Cohen, Ron Phillips, Rory Cahill, Rose Dixon, Rosemary Gordon, Rowlands Family, Russ Dunning, Russell Harding, Russell Higgins, Ryan Toomey, Sam Anderson, Sam Buckley, Sam Hedditch, Sam Morris, Samantha O'Rourke, Scarlett McFarlane, Scott Dare, Scott Slingo, Scout O'Loughlin, Shane Linton, Shaun Loganathan, Shaun O'Connor, Sheppard Family, Shinners, Sienna Nolan, Simon Edelstein, Soho Property Solutions, Sonja Hood, Sonja Rubinstein, Sophie Dilena, Sophie Docherty, Sophie Newman, Spirito Constructions P/L, Stefan Dodic, Stephanie King, Stephen Barnes, Stephen Moss, Stephen Thornhill, Steve Bargiev, Steve Richards, Steven Clark, Steven G Sherry, Steven G Smith, Steven Maxwell, Steven Salaoutis, Sturton-Gill/Scarff, Sue Thompson, Tanya Gallagher, TecvantEDGE, Terry Loader, Terry McDonald, The Ladkings Family, The Morrison Family, Timothy Burns, Timothy Gordon, Toby Watson, Todd Richards, Tom Scown, Tom Tobin, Tony Landrigan, Tony Lombardo, Tracy Wainwright, Trent Dumont, Trevor Bailey, Trevor O'Hoy, Troy Stanton, Trumino Family, United Fasterners, Vanessa Tormey, Victoria Corkin, Victoria Pendrey, Vijak Prakash, Vito Manlio, Wal Wilson, Waxy, Wayne Halliday, WeldConnect Vic Pty Ltd, Wes Howell, Wesley Parfrey, Wilco Lynch, Will Haslam, Willow Beattie, Xavier Walker, Xavier Walsh, Yuki Carter, Zara McIntyre, Zurhaar Family