All father-son nominations closed at 2:00pm (EST) on Friday in preparation for the bidding meeting at 10:00am (EST) on Monday, October 7.
The nomination of McDonald allowed North to have a semblance of control over his final destiny. If there was no nomination lodged, McDonald would have been treated like any other player on Draft night.
North currently owns pick eight and at the meeting on Monday, clubs will have the opportunity to bid a draft selection on McDonald.
It starts at the top of the order, therefore the GWS Giants have the first opportunity. If a club in the first seven places in the draft (GWS, Melbourne, St Kilda, Western Bulldogs, Gold Coast, West Coast, Brisbane) elects to use one of their picks on McDonald, it gives North the following choice:
a) Pick McDonald with its next available selection (pick 8)
b) Opt to pass on McDonald, in which case the club with the highest pick is locked in to taking the left footer
If no side before pick 8 opts to bid, the process then repeats itself with North’s second round selection.
Once the bidding process is complete, the nominated draft pick for McDonald is locked in and can not be changed.