Adam Simpson, Brady Rawlings and Daniel Pratt will all be in Eagles’ colours for Sunday night’s clash.
“I’m looking forward to it actually,’’ Harvey told the Herald Sun.
“They are three really good mates of mine that I’ve built a long-time relationship with through football.”
Harvey has great respect for his former skipper.
“Simmo was a bit of a mentor there for me for a little while when I became captain. We’re certainly lifelong friends.
“He was one of the best captains I played under. I played under Carey, Stevens and Simpson, and he was right up there.
“He will be one of the greats of our football club forever.”
After 13 seasons together at Arden Street, Harvey knew Simpson was a great leader of men.
“He’s going to be a great coach and I knew that five years before he retired from North Melbourne.
“He wanted to know how the finances were going at the football club. He wanted to have his finger on everything, just to make sure everything was running smoothly. All that sort of stuff is why he is held in such high regard.
“I think he goes down as a great of the AFL as well and who knows what’s around the corner for him with his coaching? Hopefully there’s a couple of premierships there for him.’’