I’ve enjoyed writing for all the kangaroos.com.au faithful and I hope you have been able to get to know the players a little better after reading my stories.
My blog will start up again in November when we travel to Utah for a high performance altitude camp. Designed by Brad Scott, the camp will give us the foundation to increase our aerobic capacity and general fitness level…it will be tough but I can’t wait.
At this stage, there is a group of about 35 players going because Brady, Drew, Todd, David and Lindsay will all be welcoming newborns into their families and veterans like Boomer won’t have to go if they don’t want to.
I am planning to go to Europe after the season finishes and before the Utah camp. It will be amazing. I have London, Paris, Nice, Rome, Venice, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Prague, Czech Republic, Germany and Berlin all on the list of countries and places to visit.
It will be a long flight over there but I will have plenty of entertainment now that I have discovered Entourage. I know I am way behind the times here but my addiction to The West Wing clearly held me back from experiencing other shows. I am only up to the first season and have a way to go yet but I am enjoying it so far.
I’ve also just bought a PlayStation3 so I can be more competitive at FIFA 2010…we had a tournament at the club and Michael Firrito knocked me out in the first round. My formation and strategy wasn’t right in the first half and by the time I changed things around, the damage had been done. Now I am all about resurrecting my soccer career because Brady reckons I am crap at everything, other than AFL.
However, I don’t want to get side-tracked and am focused now on giving you a final insight during what will be a massive weekend for the club and our captain.
There’s been plenty happening since I last wrote to you. I have become the club’s official spokesperson on all things green and have been handing out tips to all the players and supporters through Sustainability Victoria. I had to have my photo taken with a shower cap on and the boys got a hold of it and put it up all over the gym.
But I got them all back…on the computers at the club, we put some look-alikes up. There was Brady Rawlings and Mr. Squiggle, Corey Jones and Dumbo, Ryan Bastinac and a little monkey, Nathan O’Keefe and the whacky-waving inflatable arm flailing tube man from Family Guy, Michael Firrito and NRL player Braith Anaster and Sam Wright and Dale Thomas.
With the environment in mind, it’s great that the club will be leading the way this week by saving paper on Brent Harvey’s 300th banner. Someone told me that it will only be three-feet tall by three feet wide! Sorry, Boomer…that was a low blow. I’m not the only one that has been having digs at the captain and his banner. This week, Lachie Hansen plays his 50th game and he has already threatened to sabotage Boomer’s big day by writing ‘Boomer sucks - Good Luck Lachie’ on the banner. He also told everyone that he is going to carry Boomer’s kids Cooper and Lacie out onto the ground.
On a serious note, we all admire our captain and wish him the very best tomorrow - he has been an absolute superstar and I reckon he will go on to play a few more years yet.
Now from an AFL legend in the making, to a bright prospect in Majak Daw. This week Majak decide to part ways with the afro he’d been working on - well actually, he forgot to bring back a bit of equipment that he borrowed from the club gym and our dietician Jona Segal made him shave his head as punishment. Ben Speight did the honours with the clippers but deliberately left a big patch of hair on the back of Majak’s head. When he eventually discovered the uncut area, Majak took action with a Gillette Mach3 - bad move Majak. Now he has a massive bald patch on his head and is copping it from all directions.
It may come as no surprise but my wife Elise has been out and about shopping recently, this time she is searching for a dress to wear for the Brownlow - the year goes so fast.
Ben Warren and Sam Wright are getting ahead of themselves. They’ve been at the club for four minutes and they’re already starting to demand preferential treatment and get little perks along the way. This morning at the airport, they kicked up after discovering they weren’t sitting next to each other on the plane. They pestered and harassed our Footy Operations Manager Jennie Loughnan until she caved in and organised new seats for them - this was all because they wanted to watch Gossip Girl together on Sam’s laptop. But Sam forgot to charge his battery and there was only 3 percent power left…on top of this, they demanded that they be roomed together. Jack Ziebell has also made the trip over for Boomer’s 300th…he is their housemate and is feeling very left out.
I also heard on the plane on the way over that Ben Cunnington now has a reptile licence. He reckons he is going to get some bearded dragons first and then upgrade to a python and some turtles after he moves out from his host family’s place.
Well that’s it for now, wish us luck tomorrow!
Don’t forget, you can follow me on Twitter for more.