Brent Harvey was elated on Wednesday when Brad Scott drew his name as the winner of a brand new Mazda 3 in the players’ raffle. There was outcry from staff members and fellow players when ‘Boomer’ received the prize worth $36,000. 3AW’s Sportsday program heard from a variety of callers voicing their opinion on the event.

One mystery caller named ‘Drew’ from Ballarat had some harsh statements to make about the veteran’s win, urging him to give back his new toy.

“I think it will divide the football club…I know a lot of people at the North Melbourne Football Club on the inside and they’re saying he should give it back,” ‘Drew’ said on Wednesday night.

“It’s one of those situations where the rich get richer. A footy club raffle, you’d like to see some of those genuinely hard-working people who are the unsung heroes of a football club win a raffle like this. I think Brent should really consider his options and think of being really unselfish in this situation and let there be a re-draw.”

The man himself, Harvey, had something to say about that suggestion, claiming it would be impossible to give back the shiny new Mazda 3 SP25 hatch.

“It’s a little bit hard to give it back to tell you the truth because I actually went halves with a friend of mine. One of my good mates, actually Josh Caddy’s brother, lives in my street, we went in 50 bucks each and we were lucky enough to win it. Even if I wanted to give it back, I couldn’t,” Harvey told 3AW.

“Not too sure (how we will divide it up), we might have to sell her off and maybe split the cash, or he could buy me out, or I could buy him out. I don’t think it arrives until about October so we’ve got a little bit of time.

The internal player raffle raised an impressive $46,000 for the club as each player on the list was allocated 10 tickets to sell, with the help of a North staff member. Harvey refuted claims he give back the Mazda, declaring any other player in his position would keep the prize.

“I won’t lie to you, I was a little bit lazy. They were sitting in my car and I’d sold two tickets and on Monday I had to hand them in. I made a couple of phone calls, rang my mate and my brother in-law and we ended up going halves in a couple of tickets each, Harvey said.

“If you didn’t sell the tickets, you end up buying them anyway so a lot of the boys had two tickets, three tickets, four tickets in there. Last year our old development manager Jon Haines won it. It’s good because we know someone that we know is going to win it.

“I can tell you what; if any of the other boys won it they wouldn’t be giving it back!”

The 3AW caller ‘Drew’ believes there will be backlash around Arden Street after Harvey’s lucky win, warning the 36-year old to expect payback from jealous teammates.

“He’s going to receive hate mail, they’ll be anonymous phone calls, they’ll be pranks, his locker is going to be vandalised, graffitied… I don’t want to see the club splinter when they’re potentially four weeks away from entering a finals campaign, I think it’s just the wrong time for everything to go pear shaped.

“But he won’t need a step-ladder to get in there (the Mazda) that’s for sure.”