Last week we ran an article on this website titled ‘Arocca says “get fair dinkum”’ and the response to it has been overwhelming.
In light of some of the feedback we have received, I feel it is necessary to put a few things straight.
The article is not directed at those supporters who for one reason or another, simply cannot afford even the lowest cost membership; it is a direct and very clear plea to the people I come across (as I presume many of us do), who talk about things like: coming to Arden Street on their dad's backs in the seventies and eighties, watching training in grand final week during the sensational nineties, declaring how much they love the Kangaroos and going to the MCG to watch Friday night footy in the late eighties and nineties.
In many cases, it turns out that these people are not members and haven’t been members for several years.
I recall in one instance being introduced to a "great North Melbourne man" at a business function. I met this chap and he started talking about his love for the club and how much of a loyal supporter he was. It was at this time that I asked whether he was a member. He went silent as the blood rushed to his head. It turns out he hasn’t been a member for "some years" and two out of his three kids barracked for other clubs!
I can recall similar stories and absolutely understand that financial constraints make it hard and sometimes impossible for supporters to buy a membership but excuses like ‘I don’t go to the footy that much (and yet I bump into them as guests of ‘Troo Roos’ at a Chairman's lunch), or ‘we are not going to make the finals’ just don’t wash with me.
As far as future growth goes, this club is taking big strides forward. We have employed a Fan Development Manager, a Community and Multicultural Officer, a full time school teacher and a homework coordinator. In addition, we now employ our own membership staff and feel we are certainly doing our bit to cultivate new members.
However, I have no doubt that half a generation of supporters, predominantly from the eighties and nineties have dropped off for various reasons.
I have no doubt that if 50 per cent of the people who claim to be hardcore North supporters (and make comments like those I mentioned above) were fair dinkum, we would have 40,000 members in 2010.
I understand that the past has been difficult for North people with the club being forced to sell games interstate, the threat of relocation and lack of on-field success, but I can assure you all that the future is as bright as ever.
You only have to drive past Arden Street to see that this club has been transformed. We have a new state-of-the-art facility and our engagement with the surrounding community has been taken to a level never seen before by a sporting club in Australia.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members and fans for their ongoing support of this unique club.
I wish all North people all the very best for 2010, thank them for their passion and look forward to them joining the club on what I hope will be a fantastic and successful period in our history.
