North Melbourne midfielder George Wardlaw will enter the AFL’s concussion protocols from today after he was assessed following an incident late at training on Thursday.

Wardlaw was initially assessed for a shoulder injury but later reported symptoms consistent with a head knock.

He then underwent testing in line with the AFL’s concussion guidelines, and as a result of those tests, he was ruled out of the match against the Western Bulldogs on Saturday. 


North Melbourne general manager of football Todd Viney said Wardlaw would also miss the match against Gold Coast next weekend.

“Under the League’s protocols, George will miss at least the next two matches,” Viney said. 

“He initially reported to our medical team some soreness around the shoulder and then said he felt a knock to his head in the same incident.

“Upon receiving that advice, our doctor ran him through the concussion testing and from there he was ruled out.

“It’s obviously disappointing for George and the team but our first priority is always our players’ health.”


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