Speaking of being frustrated, that’s exactly how I was feeling the other day when I thought I had lost my phone. It turns out it was actually stolen…by Boomer and Spud. When I went through my photo album, it was full of them taking selfies. Here’s a selection for you to enjoy.
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The boys aren’t the only ones who enjoy a bit of camera time. Shane Watson was watching football on the flight over but tried to hide exactly what game it was.
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That’s because he was watching himself. The game was Collingwood versus Fitzroy from 1992 and he played pretty well it seems. He was fist pumping and making those close to him, like Robbie Nahas and Michael Firrito, watch. He was pretty happy with himself.
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Watto was about as happy as our digital media guru Robin ‘Dog’ Burton was this week after lighting a match for the first time in his life. Yes, it’s hard to comprehend, but he claims to have never lit a match, ever. He told us he’d always used the ‘electric lighters’…what he meant was the gas lighters with a long nozzle and trigger. He claims he’s always been scared of lighting a match because his hands might catch fire. The boys at the club gave him a box of matches and, while it took a while because he didn’t know what to do, he finally figured it out and got one to light.
We were proud of Rob for getting over his fear, just like we are proud of Sammy Wright for trying to make a big change for his mum.
Sammy is going by the new nickname of ‘Abe’ after sporting an Abraham Lincoln-style beard. He says he’s growing it until his mum quits smoking. She hates the look of it so with any luck, he’ll be successful.
There are a lot of new looks getting around, that’s because Kanga Lotto is being rolled out weekly. Although I have some concerns that some players are rorting the system. Players like Luke McDonald drew ‘head shaves’ as punishments, but kept it pretty thick. I reckon we need to have a minimum No.2 blade…none of this 4,5 and 6 business. These young blokes…
I can understand why they’re trying to beat the system though; they’re worried about their looks.
Unlike Ben Jacobs who saw no issue with this pink knitted jumper.
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Or unlike Levi Greenwood who just bought a new car with a black racing stripe down the middle. It’s the kind of car a teenager would buy.
Majak’s in the same boat. He was wearing his polo top inside out at the Virgin Lounge. He didn’t realise until he actually got on the plane.
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He managed to get his headphones right, that’s because they have his name on them. He was trying to hide them from the boys but we got a pic of them.
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Maj could be an early favourite to join the Pirates. They’re still looking for a third member after losing Greg Sawn. This is their new membership campaign.
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Our running specialist and food guy Jona Segal is not in contention because his CV is not up to scratch. Check out what was on his LinkedIn page.
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