Several fans have been selected via Twitter to join Kangaroos’ players in a special area on Level 2. The lucky Tweeps - @chrisgoulding43, @blackshadowpix, @aliceinwonderz and @NMOpinion will be seated in bean-bags and encouraged to post their analysis on the game via the hash tag #NMFCPlatform.
It is the latest in a series of trends in the club’s digital area, with supporters already having the chance to ask Brad Scott questions about team selection every week using #NorthInteractive. It's a weekly feature which can be viewed on North's YouTube channel (NMFCOfficial) and every Friday.
@NorthKangaroos and will be providing all you need to know on game-day, offering some great prizes and making sure supporters don't miss a thing from inside the club.
Fans around the ground and at home can also join in the conversation and interact with each other.