Leigh Adams has declared himself a certain starter for Saturday's NAB Cup clash with Geelong after getting through training unscathed at Aegis Park on Wednesday.

"I'll be back this week down at Geelong, minus the shades, so it'll be good to get out there and have two hit-outs before the season starts," Adams told NMFC.com.au.

The number 13 wore sunglasses during the skills session after a minor eye procedure, and quickly caught the attention of team-mates.

"I've copped a few nicknames out there which is a bit of fun,” he said.

“… Stevie Wonder, Mark Waugh, Cyclops, RoboCop; they've come up with some pretty good ones."

Injuries to both shoulders hampered the gutsy midfielder’s 2012 season, but after a long recovery period and some extra reinforcement he’s ready to go.

Adams underwent the same procedure Robbie Tarrant had previously to conquer his shoulder issues.  

"They actually remove a bit of bone from towards the back of the shoulder and screw it into the front of the shoulder.

“It gives a bit of extra support at the front, which is where mine kept popping out. The extra bone helps it stabilise a bit better and it's been good ever since."

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