With restrictions easing, The Huddle is thrilled to announce several programs will be returning face-to-face so we can continue to learn, grow and belong together.
Based on Victorian Government directions, The Huddle has created our own ‘roadmap out of lockdown’. Programs including Study Squad, Game Changers, Huddle Up! Junior and Senior, Women’s Workout and Multicultural AusKick will all see a face-to-face return starting Monday 8th November. To view the full timetable, click here.
The Huddle will be complying with the directions from the Victorian Government that currently requires all staff, volunteers and participants to be fully vaccinated. Unfortunately, at this time, unvaccinated staff, volunteers and participants will be unable to attend Huddle programs face-to-face, however we are still running some programs online.
With all Huddle staff being fully vaccinated, we set some guidelines for those who are fully vaccinated and looking to attend a Huddle program face-to-face:
- We ask if staff, volunteers or participants are not feeling well, to please stay home and not attend The Huddle facilities or programs.
- Upon arrival all staff, volunteers and participants will be required to:
- Scan into the QR code using the Services Victoria App.
If you do not have a smart phone, Huddle staff will be able to assist you with the check in process. - Provide proof of vaccination status.
Please have your COVID -19 digital certificate attached to your Service Victoria app, bring along a printed copy of the certificate or have your medical exemption with you. For further information on how to access your COVID-19 digital certificate, click here.
- Face masks must be worn at all times if you are aged 12 over.
- We ask all staff, volunteers and participants to maintain social distancing and implement good hygiene practises.
- The Huddle will wipe down all surfaces and equipment after each use, and a deep clean of all facilities will occur each night.
The Huddle is looking forward to getting back to the things we love doing and seeing our wonderful participants at a Huddle program soon!
If you are currently unvaccinated and would like to book your COVID-19 vaccine appointment, further information can be found here, https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/book-your-vaccine-appointment.