On a day suited for indoors, the North Melbourne group headed out. After delaying the 4-hour hike due to a blizzard, Brad Scott and strength and conditioning coach Jona Segal decided to give the journey the green light at about 10am on Sunday morning (USA-time).
With each player decked out in 2XU compression and thermal gear from head-to-toe, as well beanies and gloves, they departed the warm and luxurious foyer of the Stein Eriksen Lodge, but assistant coach Brett Allison was slightly hesitant.
“I’m not looking forward to this at all,” he told a group of players and staff.
Not one to back down from a challenge, Allison manned-up and stepped out into the ankle/knee deep snow.
Kieran Harper was a lot more optimistic.
“I think the boys are really looking forward to the camp finally starting and today is the day,” he told kangaroos.com.au.
“It’s a big effort to get everyone over here and now it’s time we take full advantage of the camp and what it will bring us for next season and beyond.
"I haven't heard anyone but Brett Allison complain about today...I think it's just Fruity the one that's gonna be complaining the whole four hours," Harper joked.
Andrew Swallow led the group for most of the way up Bald Mountain which has a summit sitting at 9,400 feet above sea level.
Michael Firrito meanwhile was heckled for bring out the 'Brown Bear'; his favourite brown jacked which has been a regular on previous Utah trips.