Levi Greenwood says it was ‘by far the hardest run I’ve ever had to do’ and every single one of his team-mates agreed.

It was a day of torture for the North Melbourne contingent training in Utah on Friday with weights, boxing, grappling and a brutal Brazilian run to finish off the day.

A two kilometre circuit was mapped out with several exercise stations along the way. With four repetitions the result was a group of exhausted players almost begging for mercy.

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“Push ups, sit ups, squats, lunges, going up the hill, a 1k (kilometre) effort at the end…absolutely rooted mate,” Greenwood managed to say immediately after his fourth and final circuit.

The midfielder established himself as the best runner on the day with Lachlan Hansen and Nathan Grima close behind.

Greenwood’s effort though was phenomenal to watch and he managed to improve his times despite being heavily fatigued.

“I was cramping half-way down that hill but just hung on…just. The second k (kilometre) is all downhill so you just let your legs go.”

On his first trip to Utah, young gun Kieran Harper agreed with all of Greenwood's sentiments about the run saying it was ‘the worst thing I’ve ever felt…painful…gut wrenching’.

North Assistant Strength and Conditioning coach Jona Segal addressed the players after the session and was glowing in his assessment of their efforts.

“You get back to the start line knowing you’ve got three more to do…it's just an absolute mental challenge, mental hurdle…You keep standing there and you keep belting out efforts, the only thing that was going to stop you was your mind and you all just, you ploughed through it.

“So from what I saw, it was just sensational. Your application and effort was first rate.”
Levi Greenwood exhausted
A tough day at the office for North's players
The start of 'the hardest ever run'
Push-ups, sit-ups, squats and lunges made things tough
Lachie Hansen, Levi Greenwood and Nathan Grima lead the way with Assistant Strength and Conditioning coach Jona Segal
Sam Wright on the comeback trail from injury
Nathan Grima feeling the pinch
Time for a quick breather
Will Sierakowski gets a tough initiation at North Melbourne
The Delaney brothers lead the pack
Hamish McIntosh gets some air in the lungs
Senior coach Brad Scott trails Majak Daw
Aaron Edwards into full stride

North Melbourne staff and players will be tweeting from Utah. Search the hashtag #utahroos or visit twitter.com/northkangaroos for updates.

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