While much of the North Melbourne Utah training camp is about physically challenging the players, a large component is about mentally testing them too.

A flexible schedule gives the coaches the ability to chop and change things without the players knowing - and Ben Cunnington thinks that’s just the way they like it.

“The coaches did say that it would be more mentally tougher this time around,” he explained to kangaroos.com.au.

“Before we go on any hike or outing you start to hear all these different rumours about what we might be doing and I think that’s the intention.

“They want to see if you are mentally prepared and ready for anything. No-one really knows what we’re going to do. It seems like it’s not planned at all but it all falls into place and turns out to be a really solid session.”

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On Saturday the group set out on a five hour hike but was told to bring runners and boxing gloves.

“Today was interesting because obviously we had our main hike the other day which was solid and grueling; mentally and physically. So the hiking side of it wasn’t as bad although there were a few hills in there that stumped a few of us, but the running component and boxing was pretty tough today."

But not everything can be planned out. Sometimes the coaches are forced to take advantage of their surrounds.

“Sometimes the coaches will see something on the hike like a massive hill to climb and they’ll get together and think ‘yeah…this will get the boys. Let’s send them up."

Another example was when the coaches stumbled across piles of wood logs. On this particular occasion, they must be commended for their innovation and creativity.

Minutes later, the players were hurling the logs through the air like primitive medicine balls.

“It was a bit different. I don’t mind the change up of training like that. Mixing things up so it’s not repetitive and boring is a good thing. We partnered up and did some overhead throws with the logs…it was fun,” Cunnington recalled.

And then came the running.

“The runs were ridiculous. We had to sprint 200 metres up a hill. We did about six of them but each time, we had to wrestle with our partners near the top.”

Cunnington believes there has been an obvious improvement on last year’s Utah camp.

“I feel like the training is much tougher this year but we are more prepared as a team and group. We know what our bodies can handle so we’ve done a lot more running at higher altitudes and all the boys have been getting through a bit better.

“I think everyone has adjusted to it pretty well and last year’s experience has helped us go forward this year.”

On a personal level, the tough midfielder is hoping for an injury free run into season 2012.

“Last year in Utah I was flying. I had a pretty big off-season then was going pretty well in Utah. When I got home my knee went.

“I didn’t go too hard in the off-season. If I get through every session I reckon I’ll be fit enough to have a good year. So I don’t want to get injured or overdo it. I’m starting to understand my body a bit more now.”

Aaron Edwards
Cameron Delaney
Players participated in a five-hour hike
A A well-earned breather
Jack Ziebell
Push-ups, running and boxing made the hike even more difficult
Cameron Pedersen
A picturesque outlook in Utah
Levi Greenwood and Jack Ziebell
Slip and slide
Lunch with a view
Refueling for the next challenge
North Melbourne players and staff

North Melbourne staff and players will be tweeting from Utah. Search the hashtag #utahroos or visit twitter.com/northkangaroos for updates.

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