For the past three-years, the 35-year-old has been given the option to determine the amount of time he spends in Utah, if any. In fact, Harvey has only been to Utah once before - in 2011 he attended the camp for ten days.
Surprisingly, this year will be much different.
“We’ve had a few discussions as a leadership group and we don’t want to leave any stones unturned. I told Brad (Scott) I’ll be going for the full three weeks this time,” Harvey explained.
“I tossed up whether to just go for a week but with Nick Dal Santo coming on board, we felt it was important to show just how committed everyone on the list is, no matter if they’ve played two seasons or 18.”
Harvey joined the rest of the team at Melbourne airport on Friday morning and flew out to Los Angeles having had a decent eight-week break.
“It’s been a decent break and after this amount of time off, you’re pretty much ready to get back into it.
“I’ve enjoyed some time with the family and managed to relax and get away but now we’re back into it and it’ll be interesting to see what shape everyone is in over there.”
While the younger Roos such as Jamie Macmillan, Shaun Atley, Majak Daw, Aaron Mullett and Aaron Black have been back for two weeks, the more experienced crew like Harvey, Daniel Wells and Andrew Swallow begin their pre-seasons now with Utah the first official assignment.
“There’s really no easing back into it. We will hit the ground over there and won’t be wasting any time at all. Although we’ve been on holidays, we’ve all had fitness programs to make sure we don’t slip too much.
“You don’t want to be that bloke coming back unfit and out of shape. That’s when the coaches like to make things even tougher for you.”
While most are looking forward to getting the camp underway, the long flight to LA is a detractor.
“I cannot wait to fly 14-and-a-half hours today,” Ryan Bastinac said sarcastically via his Instagram (@rb3_) while in a taxi to the airport with Brad McKenzie and Mitch Wilkins.
Can't see Bastinac's video? Watch it here
Brad Scott is one who’ll be watching the players closely having been in Utah for a week already.
The club’s fourth consecutive altitude camp will be evenly balanced with a mix of football skills and conditioning. The team will again tap into the United States Ski and Snowboard Association’s resources as the relationship between the organisations continues to grow. will be on location yet again, bringing North supporters all the action from the States with videos, photos and articles.