Name: Alison Drennan
Nickname: Drenno, Al or Ali
Position: Midfielder
Recruited from: Southern Saints
Most underrated AFLW player: I don't know them
Best advice you’ve received: Have fun
Greatest footy moment: Played against Defence Force in first game at Etihad and won big
Favourite AFLW player: Rhi Watt
Team barracked for as a kid: Hawks
Most inspiring movie: Secretariat, that horse could run!
Best concert attended: Shania
Three apps you can’t live without: Don't need any apps
Instagram or Twitter: Neither
Favourite café: Mama Lucy's (el Salvador)
And what do you order: Pupusas (lots!) and chocolate drink
Hidden talent: I eat twice as much as my hubby
Guilty pleasure: Footy
Your passions or interests outside footy: Socialising, eating, anything active
Life motto: Perception is everything. Percieve your life as good and be grateful always
Your best traits are: Positive, love a laugh and kindness
Do you have any pets: Coco, big fluffy dog
Favourite cartoon or movie character: Rafiki
Favourite holiday spot: Anywhere hot and with a beach
Pocket Profile: Drennan
Get to know our new AFLW recruits better with our 'pocket profiles'. This time it's Alison Drennan.