For the past two years, the Wearne’s have been doing it extremely tough.

Four year-old James was admitted to hospital with a temperature in 2008, but things quickly spiralled downhill without much warning.

“He was diagnosed with a thing called HLH which is like a cancer,” James’ father Scott told

HLH (also known as hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis) is a rare disorder in which histiocytes and lymphocytes (types of white blood cells) build up in organs including the skin, spleen, and liver, and destroy other blood cells.

James spent the following 12 months in hospital which included three stints in the intensive care unit, radiation treatment, more than 80 general anesthetics, six months worth of chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant.

As a result, he went blind and deaf.

“Also during that time we had another baby, I lost my job and we had our cars broken into…so it has been pretty tough for us.”

In an effort to help the Wearne’s get back on their feet, former North player Wayne Schwass and pro-golfer Mark Allen have agreed to go toe-to-toe in a charity boxing match next Tuesday.

The North Melbourne Football club will also be helping to raise much needed funds for James by sponsoring a round during the five-round bout.

“This is something very close to our hearts,” Eugene Arocca said

“The Wearne’s are a North Melbourne family and I think it is important that we do our bit in helping James through what must be an extremely difficult time.”

Despite struggling with his illness and weak immunity system, James bravely made a trip down to Arden Street to meet some of his heroes in Brent Harvey, Corey Jones, Jack Ziebell and coach Brad Scott.

He recently had a cochlear implant put in his right ear and the money raised will help fund another implant for his left ear.

“We’re just trying to secure a bit of his future and set up the house to make his life easier,” Scott said.

“He’ll probably need to have speech therapy at some stage and attend a special school as well as have ongoing medical treatment.

“It’s definitely amazing what Mark and Wayne are doing for us. Money aside, the emotional lift for has already been enormous and we can’t thank them enough and all the others who have donated their time and efforts.”

The fight will commence at 2.30pm at Leo Barry’s gym in Richmond next Tuesday, March 30.

Anyone wishing to donate can deposit funds directly into to James’ bank account:

BSB: 063102
ACC: 10259831

Scott Wearne admits it might be another two years before the family can declare James ‘out of the woods’ but from now on, he says the focus is to make his little boy comfortable and as happy as possible.