Your 1999 memories. All pictures: supplied

In 1999, Denis Pagan coached North Melbourne to a Grand Final victory over Carlton, delivering the club's fourth VFL/AFL Premiership. Twenty-five years on, we asked for your favourite memories of that special day. Here is a selection of the best.

Popping balloons while singing the Kangas theme
Sharing a house with my best mate, who is a Carlton supporter.  Had friends over to watch the game. He decorated the house with balloons and streamers in Carlton colours. Nothing better than pulling down streamers and popping balloons whilst singing the Kangas theme song in front of friends.
- Adam Young

Streaking down the road
When the final siren sounded and we could throw our confetti in the air and streak down the road in our underwear!
- Andrew Topley

Denis gave my four-year-old a hug
Denis Pagan apologising for swearing during the game, as we sat in front of the coaches box. After the siren sounded, Denis got halfway down the aisle then turned around and came back to give my four-year-old nephew a big hug. We then went to the Grand Final dinner and Corey McKernan asked him to hold the cup for him.  
- Deb Reilly

Got a ticket from a scalper 
Missed being there in '96, went in '98! Got a ticket from a scalper in '99. Was the most magnificent feeling!! Can't wait to share that feeling with my kids!
- Simon Murphy

The first and last time I will watch any game with the opposition
My brother - a Carlton supporter - and my husband, two kids and myself, all mad North supporters, all thought it would be a good idea to have a barbecue and watch the game together. Let’s say it would be the first and last time I will watch any game with the opposition. Full of joy in the inside but trying to show composure on the outside. By the ages of 5 and 6 my children got to see two premierships, and this was amazing!
- Carmen Aquilina

Our youngest daughter made it two from two
That we won it and our youngest daughter made it two from two. She was born in '99 and our oldest daughter was born in '96.
- Andrew Kennedy

The last game my mate ever went to
My best friend and I went to the '98 Grand Final together, and sadly this was the last game he ever went to, due to a brain illness, and he passed away that summer. I simply knew the Roos would do it for him in '99 and when the final siren went I simply looked to the heavens and gave him a fist pump. 
- Dean Clayton

The reason I’m a North fan
Corey McKernan’s goal from the centre square in the second quarter. That was my first football memory and the reason I’m a North fan. 
- Hayden Smith

A thing of beauty from Winnie
Winston Abraham's goal right after half-time was a thing of beauty. His work rate from the centre bounce to the goal square. A small fake around the Carlton defender and a waltz into an open goal! Just perfect.
- Luke McGregor

Four generations of lifelong members 
Sharing the premiership with four generations of family members who had been lifelong North Melbourne members. This photo was taken outside of the MCG and published in The Age newspaper the day after the win
- Natalie Mayne

Went outside to replicate all of the goals
I was seven years old. Watched the final siren, then went outside to replicate all of the goals and marks over and over again until it was dark outside. 
- Jarryd Cutler

Every time I hear that song it transports me to a happier time
I remember after the game, Channel Seven played highlights of the game and with it was the song 'Just Can't Get Enough' by the New Radicals. Every time I hear that song it transports me to a happier time in my life, celebrating with my loved ones that are no longer with us.
- James Douglas

All alone, in a strange house in a strange town
Favourite memory? Obviously, we won! I watched all alone, in a strange house in a strange town in the Gulf of Carpenteria: Karumba. The family was touring a new barge. Really? I wish I had someone to watch with but the dog and I enjoyed every minute. Pagan’s paddock!!
- Beverley Lindsay

We decided to drive down Lygon St
So many amazing memories from that day! I was sitting in the North Cheer Squad with my beloved late mum (who was fortunate to be at all our premiership wins). Shannon Grant, my second-favourite player, (Duck was number one) won the Norm Smith with four goals. My mum had 'GO ROOS' number plates, so we decided to drive down Lygon St along with a line of others, playing our North theme song tape and singing at the top of our lungs! Then headed to Arden St to celebrate with our fellow Roo fans and players! Still to this day, along with '96, it is one of the happiest moments of my life. Looking forward to celebrating a cup as an adult in the future. Go Rooboys!!
- Simone Place

Walking home, singing our song as loud as possible
I left Perth soon after the '98 final to make sure I would be at this game. Sitting in the old Olympic stand, Carey took a classic one-handed mark and goal in the pocket and I had a perfect view. Then walking to my home in Abbotsford, singing our song as loud as possible without a break.
- Ashley Warner

Relief and redemption
The final siren and the sheer feeling of relief and redemption for the agony of defeat in the '98 Grand Final.
- Neil Brodie

Opened the cafe doors to discover 500 Aussie backpackers
Walking through the Saint Denis neighbourhood of Paris at 4am looking for Cafe Oz to see the broadcast. Opening the cafe doors to discover 500 Aussie backpackers singing along to the VB commercial "you can get it working" and feeling like I just walked into the Limerick Castle Hotel on Arden St. Magnificent. 
- Dave Bibby

Tears of joy
Seeing my dad generally overjoyed. My dad doesn't show emotions - I've barely seen him cry in my 40-odd years. Once was when we messed up big time in '98. I still remember his words: 'We will never be there again'. And then to win it the next year! Tears of joy.
- Jordan Coughlan

North's day 
Start of the second quarter when Carlton looked to be getting on top, almost two goals up. The heavens above shined light down on the 'G and Corey McKernan marked, turning quickly to bang a textbook drop punt through the goals all the way from the edge of the centre square! North's day from then on.
- Lewis Matte

It kick-started my ties to the club
In my family, the team that wins the first Grand Final played after you are born is the team you start off barracking for. Thanks to the '99 premiership I've been supporting the Roos my whole life. It kick-started my ties to the club and I'm forever grateful.
- Liam Kain

Heading to the game on Sunday? You might even see your photo entry on the big screen at Marvel Stadium! Everyone who has shared their memory will also go into the draw to WIN a brand new '99 Premiers tee from the Heritage Round range at the Roo Shop, PLUS your choice of one of our Premiers caps.
