As the AFL continues to grow internationally, North Melbourne is doing its part in connecting with teams overseas.

Whether it is in the United States, or even Qatar, the Kangaroos’ presence around the world is stronger than ever.

The royal blue and white influence has made it all the way to the capital of Tennessee, Nashville with the local team there donning North guernseys.

A part of the USAFL, the Nashville Kangaroos runs as a not-for-profit organisation funded solely by memberships.

Each round the team travels to cities such as Boston, Chicago and Austin just to play Aussie Rules, with the players often forced to fit the bill for travel.

Continuing the North theme, the Nashville outfit will partake in the Wayne Schwass Cup, endorsed by the former Kangaroo and Swan at its home field Elmington Park.
Nashville Kangaroos
To support the Nashville Kangaroos and become a member, click here.

Nearly 12,000 kilometres away in Doha, Qatar there’s another Kangaroos’ line-up getting their kicks with the oval ball.

The Doha Kangaroos made the Grand Final in the 2011 AFL Middle East 9's competition but lost a close encounter to the Abu Dhabi Falcons.

After going through the season with no sponsorship at all, Doha decided to make contact with the North Melbourne with great results. The club helped raise almost $2,000 to go towards putting a team on the field next season. That wasn’t the only contribution from Aegis Park with a range of official NMFC training apparel and a signed guernsey also sent overseas.
Doha Kangaroos
To support the Doha Kangaroos and become a member, click here